ORC: Week 1 x The Politician's Office

Helle ORC world!

If you’re new to this party bus, welcome! Over the next 7 weeks, I’ll be showing you my ENTIRE design process, from start to finish, as I create a space for the dream client of my choosing! I’ll be running through how I come up with ideas, the method to my High Point Market sourcing, work hacks, meeting with vendors and honestly all the not so fun things that don’t make it to my Instagram!

For the One Room Challenge, we’re encouraged to outline an imaginary client and design a space especially for their needs. In today’s political climate, I started thinking about what it means to be a woman in office. How does she work? How does she stay inspired? What would her space need to have for her to truly feel set up for success? How could GREAT design impact the productivity of today’s politician?

Besides, my dream project is The White House, so this is great practice! Amiright?!

Allow me to introduce my client:

Once I review my client’s needs, I like to “brain dump” any ideas I have floating around in my mind. I’ll jot down anything from random phrases, how I want her to feel within her space, and quick sketches showcasing elements I would like to incorporate!

Here’s the design bucket list I used to formulate my schematic design:

  • Desk to work

  • Large windows

  • Vanity

  • Designated closet for suits and area to change

  • XL TV to stream news coverage

  • Activity table

  • Soft x hard flooring design

  • Mini-fridge + snacks area

You can find elements from my bucket list, notated on my floor plan below!

Be sure you are following along with me on Instagram this week to capture some behind the scenes coverage on how I’ll be selecting my furniture and finishes for next week’s post!

Dont forget to hop along the ORC adventure with my fellow featured designers!


ORC: Week 2 x The Plan & The Flush